Engaging staff using forum theatre, experiential training and resulting media content…

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Corporate training video and Forum theatre

Staff engagement is a key topic right now. A lot of companies are reporting loss of manpower, expertise, time and money because of staff that are not engaged, not properly trained or motivated.

And training only achieves so much; as we know from the famous memory study from German Psychologist Ebbinghaus that 20 minutes following the end of a training session subjects retained just 60% of what they learned. After 9 hours, 40% and after a month just 20%.

HOWEVER many organisations have found that when you deliver training that is experiencial, interactive and emotive AND include media output to use afterward that retention and actual impact of training dramatically increases.

The three key successful elements about this are:

1/ A good trainer who can work with you on your objectives, challenges and staff issues specific to your organisation prior to the experiencial training day.

2/ The best experiencial training actors you can get and who are involved in the development work prior to the day. This isn’t just gathering a bunch of actors and giving them some lines. If you really want success then use actors who are experienced in forum theatre and training. Your staff will be immersed in the scenes, able to try out things within a safe environment and learn from the various proven forum techniques that will be utilised by our team.

3/ Creating media output to allow the training to continue being used again and again in the future, benefitting both those staff who were involved on the day and other staff who weren’t. Again, just employing a man with a camera won’t really cut it here. You need a media team who are experienced in filming this type of content and can create a workable series of media following the training ensuring you can use it for successful internal communications going forward.

Ensuring all three elements are in place makes for a highly successful training programme which actually reaps results and continues to do so in the weeks and months that follow.

Like any investment, if it is worth doing it is worth doing properly.

The power of experiencial training is proven and yet currently largely untapped in corporate organisations. Imagine giving your staff the opportunity to try out ideas, strategies, learn about themselves and others within a totally safe environment. The difference this type of training makes especially to managers and those with responsibilities is incredible.

To discuss how we can help your organisation with experiencial training packages contact us

See an example of how we have used forum theatre and resulting media content (example taken from NHS project about working with vulnerable adults)
